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Create Maintenance Email Reminders – It’s a snap!

At we love finding out about new ways users are putting email to work. Juggling when to get your oil changed, gas furnace serviced or air conditioner filter replaced can be tricky. Recently FollowUp power user @jwegener showed us a cool trick for scheduling easy maintenance reminders. 

How does it work? In the “To” field of you email, type in when you need to do maintenance, for example or Include any information you need in the subject and body of the message and then send it. You can include photos and documents that might be helpful, a warrantee or directions. Once sent, your reminder is scheduled.

What happens? On your scheduled date, your reminder will be delivered to you with any attachments you have sent with it. If you want to reschedule the reminder again, just forward it to the future and it will be rescheduled. 

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