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3 Ways to Use the FollowUp Bookmarking Feature

The Bookmark is a small part of the Chrome Extension, but you can also use it on other browsers too. Here is a great video tutorial that shows you how this feature works. It is so helpful! 

You can mark recipes, articles and products for your self or for others. This is super handy for sharing interesting articles with a friend or co-workers. Enjoy the tutorial. 

The FollowUp community loves this little feature. Here are some ways to put it to use. Enjoy.

1. Read an Article Later. This is the most common use of the bookmark. If you see a news or blog article that you really want to read, just click on the bookmark icon and you will get your link when you have time to read it.

2. Bookmark a Product. Suddenly the perfect birthday gift for your wife is right in front of you, the problem is her birthday isn’t for 10 months. With bookmarking, you can mark the page and send it to yourself in 9 months. This works well for maintenance items too – you can order those air conditioner filters every 6 months easily.

3. Reread Important Topics. A parent user would send himself relevant articles on parenting to reread every year. This was such a great use of the tool, I have started doing it myself. 

Download the Chrome Extension Now. 

If you have a great tip for the Bookmarking tool, let us know in the comments below. We will send you some great goodies. :)

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